if you’re reading this post, you’re likely fed up with Chrome hi-jacking your printing experience on OS X. Personally, every time I “print” something from Chrome, I want to use the OS X interface. That’s because I very rarely print to a physical printer. Instead, I use the PDF menu to save the page I am looking at into an application for such things (Devonthink, in my case).
If you only want to use the macOS system print interface from time-to-time, the easiest way is possibly to just use key combination option–command–P on the keyboard. If, like me, you want to default to the system print interface, here’s how.
You can force Chrome to use the default OS X print window with an easy Terminal command.
- First, quit Chrome completely, including any open Chrome apps.
- Launch Terminal. Just hit command–Space to bring up Spotlight, and type in “Terminal”.
- In Terminal, enter the following command and press Return on your keyboard:
defaults write com.google.Chrome DisablePrintPreview -bool true
There will be no confirmation or feedback from Terminal. So long as you copy/pasted (or typed in) the command correctly, you’re all set.
Close terminal, and reopen Chrome. Hit command–P and see if it worked.
How to disable print preview in Brave
To get the same result in Brave, you this command at the command line in Terminal.
defaults write com.brave.Browser DisablePrintPreview -bool true
You can also use the command–option–P key combination in Brave, to print with the macOS print dialog.
Help! I want to undo this.
Just use the same command, but replace true
with false
. Done deal.